Today, during Worship at one of the several churches I attend, the medley of songs brought forth one that had the repeating line of,"Make my ax ready for war", or something like that. I glitched and looked around as I saw all the smiling faces singing along. I had to stop and question these lyrics. I just couldn't get on board. The other songs were of the, "let me shine my light" variety, but this imagery of "ax for war" didn't jibe well for me. I serve the Prince of Peace. The call on my life lately has been to show love to all of God's children. I simply couldn't(wouldn't) sing the "ax" song. I struggled with trying to find the positive meaning here. Now I understand that there are numerous scriptures that speak of war-type themes. Even Jesus is quoted as saying, " Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. Mat 10:34". Then again He is quoted later saying, " Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword shall perish by a sword. Mat 26:52". This confuses me.

I also have another friend who left organised religion to pursue the concept of Peace to the extreme. He felt that we should NEVER engage a conflict with anything other than a peaceful response. I remember getting into a comment debate with him and a friend where I used examples such as, "Your child is being beaten and raped. Would you simply stand by praying they stop, or raise your hand to stop them?" Simplistic, I agree, but I still believe that there is a time to oppose bullies. Obviously, I am still working out these issues.

Peace is my calling. Love is my banner. Christ is my King. May I grow in understanding as I wrestle with the things on my soul.
"Build Bridges, not Walls"