Monday, August 16, 2010

To Mosque or not to Mosque

Into The MosquePit?
Well, here we go with the limited , emotion-based, understanding of the freedoms that this country is founded on. To Mosque or not to Mosque. I understand emotions run high in a country or state that has experienced actual violence from a particular group of people, but to deny all Muslims a place to express their religious freedom in Manhatten because of the act or actions of a select few is the very essence of what our founding fathers attempted to stop with the First Amendment. Surely, it may seem to be in bad taste, but if we begin to make special examples of  groups of people we're excluded from the very basic freedoms that we all enjoy in America, do not be surprised when some other group feels that it is your group or your select few people that also are doing something that is just not quite acceptable.
I believe it's important for us to make sure that we protect the rights of those who we disagree with, as feverantly as we protect our own rights. I apologize for not having my quote book handy, but one of my favorite statements of the early American Fathers, is that, and I paraphrase, "I may disagree with you entirely, but I will fight to the death for your right to say what you believe ".  Certainly easier in theory than in practice. Anyway the point is that if we start making exceptions to our basic freedoms for groups that we have some claim against, that gun is likely to be pointed at our own heads eventually. Love our enemies is more than just a bumper sticker. It has practical application like letting people build their church in downtown Manhattan. And showing them that we are more tolerant and accepting than some of their more extreme counterparts.

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