Thursday, August 5, 2010

Time to Launch...Musings on Creationfest NW 2010

I just returned from my 5th Creationfest. and I come back with both and old and a new gripe.
The old one: Why is it that Christians are so standoffish? Granted that I would have more interaction if I pursued it better, but i use the worldly concert festival
as my contrast. If I was at a GreatfulDead type concert, I would meet many new friends(i.e. people would embrace me, invite me to their camps, eat with me, smoke with me, converse with me) even if I was shy. This doesn't seem to be the norm at Creationfest NW. I have only met a handful of people and that was by deliberate effort. I am amazed at how poorly the "they will know us by our love" people do at spontaneous community. Now I'm not saying they are not friendly, just clannish. Perhaps it's the lack of "social lubricants"
The new ones is more severe: The female speaker whos topic was sex/abstinence used questionable facts to sell her point. Now I understand the desire to curb/eliminate teen sex, but I felt that she went beyond slanting facts to outright lying, especially when speaking about condom effectiveness at limiting transmission of STD's. Her statements basically said that they were completely ineffective to protect against STD's, and this is patently untrue. Now I don't mean to condone premarital/promiscuous sex,but if we as Christians lie in our attempt to persuade teens out of sexual activity, we are more likely to have the whole message discarded when the lie is revealed.
Thanx for letting me vent.

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